03 MAR 2014 by ideonexus

 Stages of Galactic Intelligence

Imagine the history of the galaxy with respect to extraterrestrial intelligence. Very early there were only first generation stars, no heavy metals and therefore no possibility of life, much less intelligence. That's Stage One. In Stage Two planets with heavy metals form from the starstuff processed in the previous generation of stars, life arises and evolves, but It's quite some time before a technical intelligence developes. In Stage Three, radiotélescopes are invented, radio contact among...
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What stage are we in now?

01 JAN 2012 by ideonexus

 Homogenization of the Milky Way

It is possible to speculate on the very distant future of advanced civilizations. We can imagine such societies in excellent harmony with their environments, their biology, and the vagaries of their politics, so that they enjoy extraordinarily long lifetimes. Communications would long have been established with many other such civilizations. The diffusion of knowledge, techniques, and points of view would occur at the velocity of light. In time, the diverse cultures of the Galaxy, involving a...
Folksonomies: culture homogenization
Folksonomies: culture homogenization
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Just as human culture is undergoing a process of homogenization, culture of the Milky Way will eventually undergo the same.